Week of the Anonymous CV: Unique NL fights discrimination based on personal data

Unique against discrimination
Recruit Global Staffing respects, celebrates, and capitalizes on each other’s differences, such as diversity in nationality, race, religion, gender, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, and more. We strive to close the opportunity gap. That is why we fully support the Week of the Anonymous CV of Unique, one of our brands in the Netherlands.

A recent study by Unique shows that an initiative like the Week of the Anonymous CV is needed urgently. In a survey by Unique, 56% of Dutch employees responsible for HR indicate that personal data always play a certain role in the application process. Despite the fact that they may not want this to be the case. The survey was held among 620 HR-employees.

A foreign sounding name

Age discrimination is particularly common: 4 out of 10 interviewees sometimes did not invite someone because of age. This is followed by place of residence, photo, gender and origin. 

Week of the Anonymous CV

To draw attention on discrimination consultants of Unique during the Week of the Anonymous CV will only use CVs that are stripped of personal data. By focusing on work experience, talent and motives of the applicants, Unique wants to hold up a mirror to Dutch society. The first Week of the Anonymous CV took place in October 2018.

Equal opportunities

Diana Magielsen, Operational Director of Unique: “With our second Week of the Anonymous CV we want to make people think twice and trigger a change in mentality. We believe that everyone should have equal opportunities on the labour market. By removing the personal data from the CVs Unique wants to show that people and their talents and ambitions are the most important. We don’t tolerate discrimination based on personal data.” 

Keep the conversation going

Magielsen: “We consider this a very important social issue. We feel a strong obligation to address it. The Week of the Anonymous CV helps us to keep the conversation going and to create awareness for the importance of diversity and inclusiveness. Having to go against the tide is a confirmation that this week is desperately needed. And we like to take that pioneering role!”

Download the infographic with the key figures of the Week of the Anonymous CV here (Dutch only).