RGF Connect celebrates its first anniversary


Twelve months ago, RGF Staffing launched an ambitious social program to help underserved people around the world to access education, training and employment: RGF Connect. One year later, it’s evident that it really is possible to make the world more inclusive: 'building bridges and breaking barriers for people around the world'. Once a dream, and now fast becoming reality.

“I am proud that within just 1 year of launching RGF Connect, we have been able to instigate so much meaningful change in local communities around the world,” says Yvonne Mastenbroek, Chief Sustainability Officer RGF Staffing.


A big hand for all RGF Connectors!

Yvonne Mastenbroek - RGF StaffingThe RGF Connectors of RGF Staffing’s various operating companies are the drivers of the great success of the local RGF Connect initiatives with their determination, perseverance and especially their contagious enthusiasm. They are therefore also at the root of the program’s global success. Yvonne Mastenbroek: “Our enthusiastic ‘RGF Connectors’ have made a tremendous effort, along with many colleagues and others involved in local social programs. I extend my congratulations to you all! How powerful you are, working day in, day out to promote diversity and inclusiveness.”

The RGF Connectors of RGF Staffing’s operating companies are:

  • Dominique Carter (CSI Companies, USA)
  • Ellen Bral and Michael Vercauteren (RGF Staffing Belgium)
  • Yoshiaki Taguchi and Fumi Ishizaka (Recruit Staffing, Japan)
  • Jannette van Blitterswijk (RGF Staffing the Netherlands)
  • Cynthia Andrews and Amanda Koloski (RGF Staffing ANZ)
  • Tobias Bell and Michael Oelrichs (RGF Staffing Germany)
  • Julie Litteral, Rachel Stevens and Ashley Oliver (Staffmark Group, USA)
  • Yuya Nakamura and Futa Kanda (Staff Service Group, Japan)
  • Manon Gussy and Mathilde de Montalier (RGF Staffing France)
  • Jamie Smith and Jane Brown (RGF Staffing UK)


We asked the CEOs of our operating companies what stands out most for them when looking back on one year of RGF Connect. We are delighted to share their reflections.


CSI Companies, USA: “It all started here”

“At CSI Companies, a big part of our culture is ‘giving back to the community’. A few years ago, we launched CSI Connect, which has now become a global initiative: RGF Connect. We couldn’t be prouder,” says Chris Flakus (CEO CSI Companies). Their local initiative exposes students in underserved Jacksonville communities to technology careers, professional training, and life-changing opportunities.

RGF Staffing Belgium: “We are thankful we got this opportunity”

RGF Connect – HEAR2WORK is our project to support people with a hearing impairment to find the right job. Our teams were able to guide several candidates to job opportunities together with our clients. I’m confident that, in the future too, we can create significant value in society with our RGF Connect projects,” says Katty Scheerlinck (CEO RGF Staffing Belgium).

Recruit Staffing, Japan: “Proud to help students with disabilities to build careers”

“I’m proud we have been helping many students with disabilities to prepare and build their careers. Our RGF Connect initiative was introduced to more than 300 special needs schools within one year,” explains Tomomi Tanaka (CEO Recruit Staffing). “We have received positive feedback from many students. We are very pleased we are able to provide students with opportunities to think about their careers and increase their future options.”

RGF Staffing the Netherlands: “Our youth program is hugely relevant”

“Our global RGF Connect program is an important aspect of our goals to offer ‘opportunities for all’ within our society,” Fleur Klijnsmit (CEO RGF Staffing the Netherlands) emphasizes. “All of the Dutch participants found employment after participating in our local program. We are now ready to scale up our RGF Connect – GOALS program and several municipalities have already shown interest. Through the passion of our colleagues, we can grow this program and make an even greater impact.” The Dutch program is guiding young talent who experience barriers, whether they are struggling to find work or lack equal access to educational opportunities.

RGF Staffing ANZ, Australia: “Life changing employment for women”

“Throughout the first year of RGF Connect, we have helped over 200 women into work and had great feedback from numerous diverse participants who we have helped into employment. We have had great feedback from our participants and from the business as a whole. We are looking forward to the next 12 months and to what we can achieve during that period. Congratulations to the RGF Connect program!” says Brent Leahy (CEO RGF Staffing ANZ).

RGF Staffing Germany: “Help a lot of people to not grow old”

“There is a saying that growing old is no more than a bad habit. Let’s keep up the good work and help a lot of people not grow old through our project RGF Connect – Unique Seniors. Let’s help elderly people to remain fresh and young.” Philipp Geyer (CEO RGF Staffing Germany) is seeing the enormous positive impact of the RGF Connect program in Germany, which aims to help retirees to re-enter the workforce.  For a considerable group of elderly people, the added income is not a luxury. Another goal of the program is preventing loneliness.

Staffmark Group, USA: “Giving a chance for a brighter future”

“Every job we provide is more than just a paycheck. It’s a lifeline.” Stacey Lane, CEO Staffmark Group, emphasizes the importance of dismantling the barriers that the U.S. workforce has put up against second chance hiring of Americans with criminal records. “It’s about giving people direction, purpose, and a chance for a brighter future. It really is about changing lives.” Their RGF Connect program has demonstrated its effectiveness within the recruitment industry and the collaborative efforts can lead to substantial societal and economic benefits.

Staff Service Group, Japan: “A bright light of hope in society”

“Ultimately, we are helping children get a better life through our training and job initiatives for single mothers. Therefore, I think these are very meaningful initiatives, for society and for the future,” says Koji Sakamoto, CEO Staff Service Group. It’s impressive to witness how forward-looking and motivated all the participants are in their approach to improving their skills and increasing their income.

RGF Connect will be adapted for France and the UK!

“Now that we are one year into the RGF Connect program, we are extremely happy and proud that both RGF Staffing France and RGF Staffing UK will also participate in RGF Connect from now on,” stresses Yvonne Mastenbroek (Chief Sustainability Officer RGF Staffing).

A special word from RGF Staffing’s CEO: “We can make a difference”

Rob Zandbergen, CEO RGF Staffing, is pleased regarding the efforts made in the past 12 months that paved the road for the success of RGF Connect: “Never before have we run such a global social program in conjunction with our operating companies. With our combined efforts, we can make a difference in the areas of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging. To all who have given their support, their time and their dedication to RGF Connect: thank you so much! And congratulations on this wonderful first anniversary. Let’s continue Building Bridges and Breaking Barriers!”


Read more:

Read the extended article: RGF Connect celebrates its first anniversary

Visit the RGF Connect webpages