Human Rights

RGF Staffing implements various initiatives to ensure respect for human rights. In order to realize a world where people can live life to the fullest, the most basic principle is respect for the human rights of each individual.

Our human rights policy applies to all officers and employees of RGF Staffing (namely, RGF Staffing B.V. and its consolidated subsidiaries).

RGF Staffing Human Rights Policy

Our principal belief in human rights

RGF Staffing is a global brand of Recruit Holdings, one of the world’s leading recruiting and information services companies. RGF Staffing is an organization driven for and by people. As an HR-service provider, we believe our people are at the core of our activities. By providing job opportunities, we encourage them to flourish. In order to do this, we are strongly committed to protecting and respecting their human rights and ensuring a workplace where they are treated with fairness, integrity, respect for the law and respect for the world around us. We seek to “creating a brighter world where all individuals can live life to the fullest,” in accordance with the human rights policy of our parent company, Recruit Holdings ( ). This includes, among other things:

  • the human rights which were announced in the International Bill of Human Rights: Universal Declaration of Human Rights; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
  • the human rights which are declared in the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work1 as internationally recognized and minimum human rights
  • the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor; effective abolition of child labor; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

We have drawn up this policy to share with you our beliefs, views and principles regarding human rights of employees and temporary workers. We want to make it clear to everyone that we fully support these rights and that we are fully committed to comply with human rights. We also see it as our responsibility to do this for all our stakeholders.

For all our worldwide employees and temporary workers 

This policy specifically applies to all employees, jobseekers, candidates, temporary workers, seconded employees, self-employed, and all other persons who work temporarily for our clients through our businesses. In the rest of this policy we will refer to all these people as ‘employees and temporary workers’. 

This policy is applicable to the employees and temporary workers of RGF Staffing and its subsidiaries. Our subsidiaries often have additional policies, processes and procedures to properly safeguard the human rights of employees and temporary workers. Where (local) legislation is stricter than the Human Rights Policy of RGF Staffing or the subsidiary, that (local) legislation will apply.

Working on human rights

RGF Staffing and its subsidiaries strive to perform human rights due diligence in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles to identify, assess, prevent, mitigate and account for negative impacts on human rights associated with our business activities. With the results from human rights due diligence, we are committed to adopting programs to address business‐specific human rights issues.

We respect human rights. This means that we avoid infringing on the human rights of others and address adverse human rights impacts with which we are involved. We avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through our own activities, and address such impacts when they occur. We seek to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts that are directly linked to our operations or services by our business relationships, even if we have not contributed to those impacts.

Employees and temporary workers are a subject of protection against all human rights violations in business operations, and are requested to prevent direct and indirect involvement in human rights violations. We expect them to respect this human rights policy. We are committed to remedying affected parties where it has been identified that we have caused or contributed to human rights impacts.

Our principles

Non-discrimination and diversity

We do not tolerate discrimination. We treat employees and temporary workers fairly and with respect, protecting a culture of mutual trust, and valuing differences of opinion and cultural diversity and inclusion. This to create equal opportunities for all our (potential) employees, temporary workers and society.

We are committed to ensuring a discrimination-free and inclusive workplace and require our clients and business partners to do the same. All our employees and temporary workers should be treated with respect and dignity and are protected from any type of discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or type of employment. 


  • We prohibit any kind of harassment regardless whether this is verbal, written, psychological or physical. Harassing conduct includes negative stereotyping, threatening, intimidating or hostile acts, inappropriate touching, unwelcome sexual advances, denigrating jokes and written or graphic material that degrades or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group. We do not tolerate any intimidation, (sexual) harassment, bullying or victimization.
  • We promote a safe and healthy (work) environment in which people can comfortably work and feel safe. We are respectful of each other in our work and interactions. We acknowledge that everyone deserves to be here - and each of us has the right to work without fear of harassment.

Safety and Health

  • We are committed to create a healthy and safe working environment for all employees and temporary workers. Safety and health risks differ from country to country, from industry to industry, from sector to sector. We continuously assess the health and safety risks involved in each situation taking into account applicable legal responsibilities and normal business practice. On the basis of that assessment, our company will take appropriate measures to limit these risks. To achieve and keep our working environment safe and healthy we rely on the involvement and commitment of all our stakeholders.

Privacy protection

  • Our core business is People. As a result, personal data is one of our core assets and must be protected at all times. So we are committed to protect the privacy of our employees and temporary workers. This means we will only use personal data for legitimate purposes. And we are committed to treat all personal data in an appropriate, transparent and lawful manner, respecting the privacy rights and interests of each individual. We will always strive to comply with local legislation and to take the necessary measures to ensure the accuracy, security and confidentiality of the personal data we keep. And we will take special care if we transfer personal data to third parties.

Forced labor, child labor, human trafficking and modern forms of slavery

  • We prohibit the use of all forms of forced labor, including servitude, prison labor, indentured labor, bonded or compulsory labor, military labor, modern forms of slavery and any form of human trafficking, and we firmly condemn (sexual) exploitation. We strive to implement recruitment practices and client relationships that identify and mitigate any such risks in our business relationships. We believe that all our employees and temporary workers have a right to be free to choose where they want to work. 
  • We do not engage in child labor. Child labor is often seen as work that deprives children of their childhood and that it is harmful to their development. It refers to work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally harmful to children, and it denies them to attend school in a decent and good manner or to do their homework. We need to protect children from working conditions that may threaten their physical and emotional well-being and development. That is why we always adhere to the legal minimum age requirements in all countries in which we operate. In many countries it’s legal and common for children of a specific age (e.g. youngsters) working to earn some extra pocket money during holidays and outside school hours. This form of work for children does not fall within the definition of child labor as mentioned in the human rights principles and declarations as stated in the introduction of this policy. In addition to complying with laws and regulations when children earn additional pocket money or perform vacation work, these activities will always be subject to strict procedures to protect these children.

Working conditions, working hours and wages

  • We want every employee and temporary worker to be able to fulfill their jobs in good working conditions. This means that the working hours and overtime for our employees and temporary workers will not exceed the maximum defined by local legislation and collective (labor) agreements. We will also meet the requirements laid down in local legislation and the collective (labor) agreements for wages and benefits. We strive to ensure that employees and temporary workers are compensated fairly and earn a living wage.
  • Further we provide employees and temporary workers with information, guidance or training to prepare them for (future) jobs and to prevent human rights violations related to their work and in accordance to this human rights policy.

Use of technology

  • We recognize that use of leading technologies like Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and innovative technologies raises equally powerful questions about its use. We acknowledge that this area is dynamic and evolving, and we strive to use such technologies with a willingness to adapt and learn over time. We also seek to meet the following: avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias; build and test our technologies for safety; protect privacy; and uphold high standards of scientific excellence.

Human rights in our supply chain

We expect our clients and suppliers to also comply with all relevant human rights policies and relevant legislation. So we request them to prevent direct and indirect involvement in human rights violations in their and our business operations and relationships.

Always in line with local legislation, we will request information from our clients so that we can properly assess whether the human rights of our employees and temporary workers will not be violated when they work for our clients. We see it as our responsibility and duty to ensure that the human rights of our employees and temporary workers are protected at all times.

Grievance & Misconduct Reporting

We provide a culture of openness in which we all feel comfortable asking questions and discussing dilemmas and concerns. We also encourage our employees and temporary workers to raise and address any concerns, problems or complaints (‘grievances’) they may have, so they can be resolved promptly, fairly and in the interest of everyone involved.

All our employees and temporary workers have the right and possibility to raise a formal grievance and report misconduct. The employee or temporary worker can report such a case via the internet site of the company for which he/she works, via the local procedure to report grievance / misconduct, or via the integrity officer of the company.

All reported complaints and misconducts will be taken seriously and dealt with without unreasonable delay. No decisions will be taken until a reasonable investigation to establish the facts has taken place. If the investigation shows that human rights have been violated, we will take appropriate disciplinary actions. We ensure that our employees and temporary workers have the right to appeal against any decisions made.

Last update 1st of April 2021