RGF Staffing is the world’s largest network of local staffing companies that are connected as a global family business. The clue is in the name itself. RGF is short for Recruit Global Family.
“A natural step for our group”

“We believe this change in name will support our increased focus on those matters important to us and our clients”, Charlotte Fisher explains. “The rebranding unites us with our wider group and allows us the opportunity to tap into an already-recognised global brand while remaining local for local. Being part of the Recruit Group for the last 10 years, we believe this is a natural step for us as we already share many of the same values and vision – and what better way to reflect ‘faster, simpler and closer to you’ than to unite together with our international peers under the recognised RGF Staffing banner, represented by the ‘Opportunity Bridge’.”
A global family network
Rob Zandbergen, Global CEO RGF Staffing, proudly reflects: “With our RGF Staffing name visible in more and more countries, this highlights our global strength. It emphasizes that our local experts are backed up by a global network of industry experts. Besides that, we have the scale and ambition to invest in innovative services with real added value. Including smart, digital solutions - an area where we also benefit from our family connections with pioneers like Indeed and Glassdoor. Like RGF Staffing, they too are proud members of Recruit Holdings. Recruit Holdings is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It’s total revenue in 2020 was 21 billion dollars and the current market cap is 84 billion dollars.”
You can visit RGF Staffing UK at www.rgfstaffing.co.uk